Monday, May 03, 2004

Today I'm happy to report that both Aidan and I are both getting over our colds. Aidan is still stuffy in the mornings but is starting to act more like himself during the days and is sleeping through the nights again - whew! for a while there he was waking up every two hours all stuffed up, and unable to breath.

Aidan did seem to enjoy is first overnight boat trip this past weekend. Heading over to Poulsbo for Friday night he was able to experience the locks for the first time and watch his parents scramble around the boat trying to do their best to not hit any other boats in the process. Though most of the ordeal Aidan either seemed to be disinterested in the activity, more interested in his play toy or just snoozing through it. But he had a friend - Mocha, Anya's mothers dog which we were dog sitting for. Once arriving in Poulsbo we didn't really leave the boat too much as Anya and I tried to take turns keeping Aidan entertained and trying to keep him from crying too much and disturbing our neighbors. We did make it into town Saturday morning and Aidan seemed to like the trip as it gave him new things to look at.

Other then running over a mostly submerged piece of driftwood and causing damage to either one of the props or the shaft on our journey back from Poulsbo, the trip was a success and Aidan didn't seem phased by any of it.

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