Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Well, Aidan and I both share something else (besides DNA) these days - a cold. Yes, both of us are hacking, wheezing and coughing at each other. Aidan's seemed to have dropped into his lungs and Anya took him into the doctor to get checked out. Yes, Aidan had a respiratory infection and required medication admistered by something akin to an oxygen mask - providing a mix of two chemicals which create a vapor that is inhaled. Even with it's cute, dinosaur like look to it, Aidan just doesn't like having the thing strapped over his face - not that I can blame him. I do have to say that while we both seem to have colds, Aidan is dealing much better with his then I am mine. He still smiles, giggles and seems to still be enjoying the life of a newborn while I tired, certainly not a newborn and grumpy (ask Anya, I'm sure she'll verify :) ) Overall Aidan is taking his first medical setback very well and we're confidant that his new inhaled medication will quickly bring him back up to speed. I, on the other hand am continuing to look for a stronger daytime cold relief medication to wash down with my Tall, Non-fat, vanilla latte.

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