Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Two words... 'Stuffy Nose'. Yes, once again Aidan seems to have come down with a stuffy nose - ironically only hours after having been given a clean bill of health after his medical checkup. The poor kid can't hardly breath - which of course meant that he couldn't hardly sleep at night - which in turn meant that neither did his parents. Right around the 2am mark, I was finally sent to the local drugstore for some infant decongestant, which seemed to eventually help Aidan get some sleep.... didn't help me at all however, now that I was wide awake. I once again familiarized myself with the middle of the night TV infomercial lineup. Tonight's specialty: 600 different knives for only $1.95!, what a deal!

On the bright side, as a result of the doctor visit measuring and weighing, Aidan is in the 97th percentile for height, and the 75th percentile for weight. So he's a tall, skinny boy still - who already has more hair then I do; not that that's any great accomplishment given the low bar my hair follicles set.

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