Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Aidan seems to be doing much better these days, his cold pretty much behind him. I have to say ( and I think I mentioned in an earlier entry ) it's amazing how well Aidan coped with the stuffed up nose, the runny nose, the breathing issues, and the medication. He was rarely phased by any of it - other then being a bit fussy and not sleeping through the entire night again. But all that seems to have passed and he's doing well, sleeping, eating, and is back to being a happy baby again.

We took his monthly picture of Aidan with the stuffed bear that our friends Jeff and Julie delivered shortly after his birth. (Check back for a link to the picture). He just keeps growing. Aidan has a Dr. Checkup up appointment today where he'll get weighed and measured. It will be interesting to see how much he's grown over the past month

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