Wednesday, June 23, 2004

New Teeth

Man alive... I just didn't realize (nor to I remember from my own personal experience) just how much noise a tiny set of lungs can produce! Poor little Aidan seems to be getting his first teeth and isn't all that happy about it.

Anya was fortunate enough to have been invited to a little outing with the 'girls' last night which left me all alone with Aidan. Aidan had been his normal, happy self for the past two days, but yesterday he just seemed all out of sorts and cranky. I, in my finite wisdom, thought it would be a good idea to invite my friend Jeff and his son Tyler over, as his wife was also participating in the girls night out, as do some BBQ.

I quickly came to the conclusion that attempting to BBQ, converse with friends and take care of a cranky baby all at the same time was not something I would really suggest anyone try. Running around tending to the BBQ, comforting Aidan, trying to speak the occasional sentence to Jeff, answer Tyler every time he asked a question, re-tending to the BBQ, re-tending to Aidan who is now hungry, answering another Tyler question.... And around and around for what seemed like hours (which was actually only about 15 minutes I'm sure).

Fortunately Jeff helped feed Aidan and I made sure the steak on the BBQ didn't burn ( I can't say the same for Tyler's hot dog, but he didn't seem to mind) and we were able to get through dinner. It's really more of a scarfing really; trying to eat as much as possible, as quickly as possible before having to re-attend to the child. I've found myself accepting a fork full of beef that would normally choke a horse is perfectly acceptable and does not in fact require the additional few seconds it would take to cut it into a more appropriate consumption sized bite. It's all about efficiency.

Bum... Bum.. Bum... Then came the after dinner...

Aidan had had enough and he let everyone know... Everyone in the house and I'm sure everyone on our street. He was tired, his gums were sore and he didn't care who knew. For what seemed like an eternity there was nothing but tears, gaping mouth bitter beer faces and loud crying - again, in reality it was probably no more then half an hour buy man does that clock move in slow motion at the most inopportune times! Jeff is politely ignoring the verbal baby onslaught and tending to Tyler while I'm doing everything I can think of to calm Aidan down.. Standing him up, sitting him down, walking him around, trying to feed him (which didn't help much as his gums didn't like having the bottle anywhere near them), standing up, sitting down... up, down, up, down.. fight, fight fight.. oh, but I digress...

In the end Aidan finally was too tired and too hungry to not eat, quickly downed a bottle of formula and left with the Sandman. I waited for a few minutes just to be sure that he wasn't faking and quickly put him in is crib for some much needed rest - mine, not so much Aidan's.

Ten minutes later Anya came home.

Ah, the joy's of parenthood. I highly recommend it - misery loves company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, really want to know how can you be that smart, lol...great read, thanks.