He just keeps going.. and going...
Baby on the go Aidan just keeps crawling around better and faster each day - moving from one area he shouldn't be in to the next non baby safe area of the house. How is it that someone who isn't yet a year old already knows all the places in the house he shouldn't be and knows when you're not looking in order to make a bee-line to those areas? Are all the toys and play things in the middle of the wide expanse of space called the floor not exciting enough? Is the fact that none of them have batteries or make annoying loud, obnoxious sounds cause for Jr. to go racing towards all the stereo cables on the far wall and immediately try and fit them all into his mouth? Is it really that much more interesting to crawl up into the center of the end table pushing what had previously existed in that pace off onto the floor? It must be.
Our future rock climber also seems to have been caught by his mother on the second step of the stair case - time to get those stair barriers and make the stairs look like East Berlin before the wall came down.
It's hard not to smile each time he does something he's not supposed to do - mostly because it's new and he doesn't know he's not to be pulling on wires or climbing on stairs - but he also looks so proud of himself for having accomplished the feat. He'll also crawl over to any fixed item, say a chair, couch, or human, and use them to grab onto and stand himself up. Once standing he's happy as anything to just stay that way for a while, seemingly pleased that he's standing like a big person.
NEWS FLASH... This just in... Two additional bottom teeth have been spotted on the outsides of the previously known middle two lower teeth. No further details at this time, however, as this is prime time and we are a news agency, we'll go ahead and speculate, make things up, come to what will later be shown to be completely inaccurate conclusions and provide opinions based on nothing more then the previously mentioned speculation on this fast breaking news story. (I should really write copy for the Fox News Network. )
Here's what we know at this time... Aidan Stutz, 7 month old son of Anya and Brad Stutz, smiled revealing the two additional protruding incisors. Film at eleven.
And that's the way the baby stumbles... thank you and good night.
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