Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Sea-going Aidan

It was a dark and stormy night... well, not quite. It has been a while since the last posting as the Stutz family departed on what Aidan determined was a much needed vacation. We packed up all of our gear and headed to the San Juan Islands to hop around a bit. Aidan did pretty darn well throughout the entire trip. Now, one would think that with an entire week's worth of vacation time with yacht master Aidan there would be many tales to regail around a pint at the local pub - however the entire week went fairly smoothly with only a couple of notable events:

New Teeth
During our fun in the sun Aidan finally poked his first two bottom teeth through! Let me tell you, those puppies are sharp. It used to be fun to lift Aidan up and, with his gaping mouth open, he would attach himself to my nose - well, not any longer! The two tiny tooth tops may be small but they've got grip! Aidan doesn't seem to mind the new teeth and has actually started to figure out how to use them to grab onto his rubber baby spoon making it difficult to pull it out of his mouth after a nice spoonful of cold, blended carrots (given the horrible facial expression following a spoonful of blended peas I think we'll be waiting to try those again).

Aidan visited three different swimming pools while on vacation. He seemed to take to the water pretty easily in his baby float toy (see previous posting about Lake Washington) and putting up with being lathered up in a thick application of SPF 4000 baby sun block. Aidan would float and kick his way around the kiddy pool attired in his little blue baby swim suit and blue foreign legion looking hat to protect his fair skinned, blond haired head.

While Aidan was kicking and walking around one kiddy pool, with myself and mother Stutz only a few short feet away, Aidan decided to see just how far forward he could stretch himself - and he did quite well - stretching himself clear over the front of the yellow, doughnut shaped, baby float toy and head first into the ever so slightly yellow tinged kiddly pool water. It really went in slow motion as I watched from a little more then an arms lengh away. ... he's stretching... he's stretching... he seems a little top heavy... and with a small arm flail, a splash and a pool toy upending - into the water he went. I, with my sloth like reflexes, flashed into action, quickly covering the thirty six inch ocean of pool water, scooping up the now submerged Aidan and bringing him back up above the surface of the water where he gave a small cough and then a big toothless (well, now semi toothless) smile. Disaster averted. The overall end result was that Aidan doesn't seem to mind the water. Good thing.

The rest of the vacation was fairly uneventful. Aidan crawled around the boat, was carried around to look at different flowers, different points of interest such as English Camp at Garrison Bay, different boats (I think Aidan is wanting a bigger boat, but that's just a guess) and he was able to spend time with my aunt, uncle, cousins and their kids who were also all on the trip in their own boats.

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