Thursday, August 19, 2004

Beep Beep - Baby X'ing
Oh, those were the days... days where young mini me would simply look up, slowly develop a big, full open mouthed, toothless smile and all parties involved would be content with that. Aidan would be happy that someone was looking at him, we'd be happy that he was smiling - life was good.

Now, just a few days past Aidan's 7 month milestone Aidan is a baby on the move. A baby on the move towards anything that he shouldn't be moving towards. No, he hasn't learned to crawl on all fours just yet, but he quickly propels his tiny body across the floor in such a manner that it would make any army sergeant proud. Aidan moves across the floor by working his forearms and elbows and one leg/foot. Leading himself with an outstretched elbow he'll recoil his leg and thus his foot up to his side and with one quick extension of the leg he's move forward about 8 inches.

Now you wouldn't think that moving 8 inches at a time would enable such a small person to move so quickly - but I assure you that in the time that I've increasingly large caboose off the couch, gone to refresh my beverage of choice and returned to the mothership Aidan has traversed the 15 feet across the light maple hardwoods and is trying to pull the leaves off a low plant only to, upon success, stuff the leaves into his mouth - everything goes into his mouth. Sure, I notice this, go pick him up, return him to a safe, no leaf zone only to blink and find Aidan hoisting himself onto the lower shelf of an end table or up on to the lower glass shelf of the TV stand, knocking over family pictures as he moves his way towards the multitude of spaghetti like wires in the back.

After removing the hardwood based Jacque Custou from his latest TV stand exploration it's immediately known that Aidan has learned to express his displeasure on cue. Immediately the face scrunches up into what should be featured on a bitter beer commercial, the downturned mouth slowly starts to open and out comes a very unhappy baby sound. However, just as easily as it seems to be turned on, as soon as Aidan finds something else to capture his attention, suddenly he's a happy child again. The most entertaining is when he's sure he should be upset about something but is happy at the same time.. this results in a mouth slightly upturned at the corners, eyes still upset and squinty, but a semi giggle, semi cry is emitted from the the confused face. Well, at least I find it entertaining.

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