Thursday, July 07, 2005

We’re now in the 17th month ...
...and it has been a while since the last Aidan blog entry. It must be about time for a new one. The problem is, as I’ve noted before, there just are not that many ‘new’ things going on in the life of Aidan. He’s just growing up – he hasn’t found a job yet, probably due to those silly child labor laws (no wonder Kathy Lee had to tap the off-shore labor pool) – but growing up none the less.

Aidan has taken a keen interest water. Not that he hadn’t shown a liking for it in terms of his nightly bath, but the entire family took a trip down to the Kirkland shores of Lake Washington on a recent sunny, warm afternoon and young tadpole Aidan spent nearly an hour just playing in the water. Not really figuring that Aidan would really go in any deeper then the cuffs of his rolled up over his knees pant legs we didn’t bring any shorts or change of clothes with us – big mistake. Within the first 10 minutes, Aidan had already wanted to wander further out into the deeper water, sat down in the water, tripped and caught himself, face first, on the sandy shore’s water line. He was very wet and his no longer ready for prime time diaper had sucked up about half of the lakes available water causing it to bulge to the point of looking like it’s seems would split and causing his pants to continually be forced in to something akin to that sported by many plumbers.

Aidan enjoyed the water, dragging his old dad further out into the lake until my shorts were starting to get wet and, as much as Aidan would stretch further out, he was restrained by my tight grasp on his hand and wrist. Then we discovered ducks.

Ducks, of course, were even further out into the water and Aidan wanted to get an up close and personal introduction which, of course, he could not as no-fun dad didn’t want to get any wetter then I already was. After Aidan expressed his displeasure at my decision we proceeded to chase the ducks which had come in a bit closer to shore. Aidan never did catch one.

When it was time to return home, Aidan loudly expressed his displeasure at being removed from the water – and continued to express this opinion all the way back to the truck where he was stripped down and placed, naked (again we had no alternate set of clothes for him) in his car seat, sitting on his t-shirt (which I had removed so as to not have it totally drenched). Aidan continued his discourse of displeasure all the way home. What a delight.

This month’s word usage:
Water, Please (thank you seems to come out Ga-Ga for some reason, but he is at least consistant in using it), Cracker, Teva, Shoes, Pants, Up, Down, Ball, Doggie, Daddy (replacing Da-Da), Pappa, Tree, Bush, Teeth, Eye, Car, Go, Ella, Momma, No, Hot, Light, Pee-Pee, Bath, and, of course, Barney.

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